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Elevating Intimacy: Exploring Edging, Pleasure Mapping, and Mindful Sensuality

Nov 01, 2023
Image of sex and relationship coach Catherine Drysdale holding a phone with the title "Coming Soon" in purple text introducing an upcoming series about mindfulness through edging

In today's quest for greater sexual satisfaction and mindfulness, the practices of edging and pleasure mapping stand as powerful tools, whether you're on a solo journey or exploring intimacy with a partner. Let's delve into how these techniques can transform your sexual experiences and lead you to a deeper understanding of your own pleasure, while also introducing you to our upcoming series, "Coming Soon."


Understanding Edging: Unlocking Sensual Gratification

Edging is a deliberate technique that involves the control and postponement of climax during arousal. By navigating close to the edge of orgasm and then stepping back, individuals prolong the state of arousal, intensifying pleasure and building towards a more heightened climax.

For individuals exploring their own sexuality solo, edging offers a unique opportunity to explore personal arousal patterns, understand the subtle cues of arousal, and gain profound control over pleasure responses. It's more than just delaying gratification; it's about understanding one's body, recognizing triggers, and establishing a deep connection to personal pleasure responses.


Amplifying Partnership: Embracing Edging Together

When practiced with a partner, edging becomes a shared journey toward mutual satisfaction. It enhances communication, intimacy, and understanding. Through edging, couples gain insights into each other's responses to pleasure, furthering an exploration of erogenous zones and thresholds, fostering a deeper bond and understanding of each other's bodies.


The Art of Pleasure Mapping: Charting Your Sensual Landscape

Pleasure mapping, an explorative practice, involves identifying and engaging with erogenous zones beyond conventional spots. It fosters an awareness of diverse areas on the body capable of inducing arousal and pleasure. The goal is to broaden one's understanding of personal sensual delights and to elevate overall sexual experiences.

To engage in pleasure mapping effectively, sensory tools such as feathers, silk, massage oils, or various textures can be utilized to explore and stimulate the body. Using these tools heightens sensory awareness, making it easier to identify varying levels of sensitivity and pleasure in different areas.


Enhancing Mindfulness and Presence

Both edging and pleasure mapping promote mindfulness and presence during intimate moments. By tuning into the body's responses, individuals become deeply present, focusing on sensations and emotions. This practice nurtures a more profound connection with oneself, allowing individuals to explore and appreciate their erogenous zones while cultivating a deeper understanding of pleasure responses.


Join Us on the Journey: "Coming Soon" Series

Dive deeper into these transformative techniques and practices in our upcoming series, "Coming Soon." This series challenges traditional perceptions about sexual exploration, empowering individuals to take charge of their experiences with a critical and open mindset. It's a platform for exploring new practices, fostering mindfulness, and embracing a spectrum of pleasure and satisfaction, beyond the singular pursuit of orgasm.


Mark your calendar for our exciting lineup of events:

11/1: Intro to Coming Soon

11/8: Edging for Sexual Mindfulness

11/15: Prostate Play + Health

11/15: Edging Erotica

11/22: Chastity in Cuckolding

11/29: Be a Safe Slut

11/29: JOI Orgasmic Release + Giveaway

This series is an invitation to a more empowered, mindful approach to sexual encounters. Join us on this transformative journey!


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