Welcome to Your Pleasure Path


Transform Your Life with Self-Love, Intimacy, and Increased Pleasure 


Embark on a journey of profound transformation with Your Pleasure Path. This 13-week program is meticulously crafted to guide you towards a life brimming with self-love, deeper intimacy, genuine connection, and heightened pleasure.

Through experiential exercises, guided meditations, and interactive group sessions, you'll unlock the joy, fulfillment, and pleasure that await you. Join us on March 20th to discover the transformative power of embracing pleasure in every aspect of your life.


What You Can Expect:


Transformational Journey

Immerse yourself in a life-changing voyage of self-discovery and empowerment. Join our vibrant community in our 90-minute weekly group calls every Wednesday starting  March 20th where you'll explore essential topics like self-love, intimacy, pleasure, and connection. 

Experiential Exercises

Engage in transformative activities meticulously designed to accelerate your personal growth. From immersive guided meditations to dynamic group exercises, each session challenges and inspires, leveraging potent techniques like NLP, hypnosis, and EFT Tapping for deep, lasting transformation.

Personalized Support

Elevate your healing journey with customized coaching to maximize your progress. In our bi-weekly 1:1 coaching sessions, receive dedicated guidance to address your unique needs and goals. Benefit from the support and accountability needed to navigate obstacles and achieve your desired outcomes.

Why Choose Your Pleasure Path?


Your Pleasure Path isn't just another program—it's a transformative journey into self-love, intimacy, and pleasure. Join a vibrant community dedicated to rewriting their stories and creating fulfilling relationships. With my expertise as a seasoned sex and relationship coach, I'll guide you toward lasting transformation. Experience joy, fulfillment, and pleasure that extends beyond temporary fixes.


“Sex is something that’s exciting and I regularly look forward to it, have conversations about it and explore things I want to try. There’s a lot possible with a baseline of pleasure – gives ourselves a chance to get freakier – excited to see what it looks like when we move in together” 

- Isa

"With Catherine, I've learned how to set healthy boundaries in my relationships, tune into my own needs, accomplish goals consistently & give myself the grace to grow from my mistakes."

- Ariel

“Catherine is the embodiment of what she preaches and serves as a role model for all of her clients.  I now have the tools and awareness to create change within me that will take me to the next level.” 

- Glenna

Embrace the Life-Changing Benefits of Your Pleasure Path:


Unleash your inner potential and experience profound personal growth and empowerment as you journey through Your Pleasure Path, discovering newfound clarity, purpose, and fulfillment.


Elevate every aspect of your life to new heights as you prioritize self-love, intimacy, and pleasure, awakening to a life brimming with boundless joy, vitality, and abundance.


Ignite the flames of genuine connection and understanding within yourself and with others, forging bonds that resonate deeply within your soul, enriching your life with profound meaning and fulfillment.


Indulge in the blissful sensations of pleasure in all its forms, from the exquisite delights of physical touch to the euphoric waves of emotional fulfillment, savoring each moment with unparalleled ecstasy and satisfaction.


Embrace a newfound sense of self-assurance and self-love, shedding the weight of self-doubt and insecurities, and stepping into the radiant light of your authentic self with unwavering confidence and grace.


Find camaraderie and inspiration within our vibrant community, where shared experiences, insights, and victories create a nurturing environment for growth, connection, and mutual support.

Envision Your Transformed Life with Your Pleasure Path


Imagine waking up each morning feeling vibrant and ready to tackle the day, knowing that taking care of yourself is a priority, not just an afterthought.

Picture yourself surrounded by friends who truly get you, where conversations flow naturally, and you feel a deep sense of belonging.

Feel the satisfaction of knowing you're living a life filled with meaning and joy, where each day brings new opportunities for growth and connection.


Your Pleasure Path is the key to unlocking this fulfilling reality.

It's a journey that reignites the spark of passion within you, helping you heal from past hurts and emerge stronger than ever.

It's a safe space where you can share your struggles and triumphs, knowing you'll be met with understanding and support.


It's time to let go of self-doubt and step into your power.

With Your Pleasure Path, you'll gain the confidence to pursue your dreams and desires wholeheartedly.

You'll discover the strength to embrace your true self and live a life that's authentically yours, filled with confidence, joy, and endless possibilities.

Key Elements of Your Pleasure Path:


Immerse yourself in a purposefully designed 13-week odyssey, meticulously crafted to awaken your senses, fuel your passions, and unveil boundless possibilities.


Connect with like-minded individuals in dynamic group sessions every week, harnessing collective energy to propel your journey forward with unstoppable momentum.


Engage in immersive activities, including guided meditations and interactive sessions, structured to ignite your inner fire, catalyze personal growth, and propel you towards your highest potential.


Unlock the transformative power of cutting-edge healing techniques such as NLP, hypnosis, and EFT Tapping, empowering you to unravel limiting beliefs, unleash hidden strengths, and cultivate lasting resilience.


Receive tailored guidance and unwavering support in intimate bi-weekly coaching sessions, gaining clarity, direction, and personalized strategies to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.


Benefit from an expert-developed approach, combining years of experience, cutting-edge research, and proven methodologies to ensure your journey is guided with precision, compassion, and unwavering expertise.

Who is this for?


Your Pleasure Path is carefully crafted for women who are committed to their personal growth journey. If you've explored therapy, but haven't found the breakthroughs you desire. If you're aware of habits holding you back, or if you long to silence negative self-talk and embrace confidence, then this program is your next step.

Whether you're tired of settling for unfulfilling sexual relationships, yearning for deeper connections, or seeking to feel confident in your body, Your Pleasure Path is here to guide you towards your goals.



“Right now that i'm in a good place, emotionally and sexually. I've been using the tools we've talked about and they're quite helpful. My relationship feels like it’s in a good place. I'm experiencing both emotional intimacy and physical intimacy. I’m living in the moment and feeling present during sex.” 

- Monica

“Thank you soooo much Catherine! My wife and I really enjoyed the scene you planned for us. It feels good knowing I have the support exploring my desires and a safe space to do so. You’ve helped us take our fantasies to new places and we’re excited to see where this takes us.” 

- R

“I really enjoyed Catherine's unique and intuitive approach. She made me feel safe, happy and secure even through some of the BIG things that came up for me. She facilitated an incredible transformation, amplified the magic and helped me to relax into the healing with total ease and comfort.” 

- Darcie



one easy payment

  • 13 weeks of programming and group coaching
  • 6 private coaching sessions
  • access to private community
  • save 20% with one easy payment of $2,997

Afterpay as low as $260/mo




3 monthly payments

  • 13 weeks of programming and group coaching
  • 6 private coaching sessions
  • access to private community
  • start with three monthly payments of $1,199



6 bi-weekly payments

  • 13 weeks of programming and group coaching
  • 6 private coaching sessions
  • access to private community
  • start with six bi-weekly payments of $599

Hi, I'm Catherine Drysdale!

You might already know that I'm a sex and relationship coach who often shares relatable educational content and fire memes with a community of nearly 250k on TikTok. But I want to share a piece of my personal journey with you so you can see how I got here. 

In 2017, I hit rock bottom. I experienced a complete mental breakdown that forced me to reevaluate everything, including leaving behind what I thought was my dream career in entertainment. It was a tough decision, but one I had to make to prioritize my own healing.

I took a leave of absence from work, later deciding to leave altogether, and dedicated three days a week to therapy so I didn't have to enroll in an in-patient treatment center. During this time I also embarked on a physical transformation, working with a trainer to shed 40 pounds in just four months. Prioritizing myself in this way led me to going back to school to help me uncover my true purpose.

I was broken, lost, and facing unresolved trauma from a past sexual assault at the height of the #metoo movement. This experience propelled me into becoming a board-certified coach and practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping), and Hypnosis. I poured my heart, soul, and finances into my own healing journey, knowing that I needed to find the tools and resources that had been missing for so long.

If only I had found these tools sooner, my path to healing might have been shorter. That's why I'm so passionate about supporting you on your journey. I've walked the same path you're on now—I've been lost, I've struggled, and I've emerged on the other side stronger than ever.

I've put in the work, invested tens of thousands of dollars into my own healing and personal development, and now I'm here to guide you through your transformation. Because I believe that every woman deserves to experience the pleasure and fulfillment she truly deserves.



Hey there! I get it—making the decision to join a program like Your Pleasure Path is a big step. But let me address some of the concerns you might have.


Worried about the cost?

I understand if you're hesitant about the investment. But think of it as an investment in yourself, in your happiness, and in your future. And less money that you'll be throwing at seeing the same therapist for years without getting any results. Plus, I offer flexible payment plans to make it more manageable.


Concerned about finding time?

You might worry about finding time for a 13-week program. Don't stress! This journey is designed to fit into your life. With weekly 90 minute calls and bi-weekly personalized coaching, you can engage at your own pace. Plus if you can't make the calls LIVE there's a membership portal that hosts all the replays.


Feeling skeptical?

 If you're skeptical, that's okay. But let me assure you—I've helped hundreds of individuals rewrite their stories and create the relationships and sex lives of their dreams through my programs and private coaching. Just check out the testimonials from past participants!


Afraid of change?

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary. Your subconscious mind is designed to keep you there because it's safe. But with our supportive community and personalized guidance using tools like NLP, EFT and Hypnosis, you'll feel empowered to embrace change and unlock your full potential.


Past programs not working?

Maybe you've tried other programs before and felt disappointed. I get it. But Your Pleasure Path is different. It's about personalized support, experiential exercises, and subconscious healing techniques—all designed to facilitate lasting change. Your Pleasure Path is a hybrid program with both group and 1:1 coaching because I'm that dedicated to you getting results!


Worried about privacy?

Your privacy is important. That's why our group calls and coaching sessions are held in a safe, non-judgmental environment. You can share as much or as little as you're comfortable with.


Confidence holding you back?

Feeling unsure about taking this step is completely normal. But remember, this program is all about empowering you to embrace your desires and realize your dreams. You'll gain confidence, self-discovery, and so much more along the way.


Uncertain about results?

You might wonder if you'll see the results you want. Trust me, you will.From increased confidence to deeper connections and enhanced pleasure, Your Pleasure Path is packed with tangible outcomes to transform your life. This is the difference between therapy and coaching using subconscious tools like NLP, Hypnosis and EFT Tapping. Many of my clients have told me that they've experienced transformation within the first two sessions, compared to years of going to therapy without any significant change.

Frequently Asked Questions